What Is a S98 Agreement

A s98 agreement, also known as a Section 98 agreement, is a legal agreement that is made between a landlord and their tenants when the landlord wishes to carry out repairs or maintenance work on a property. This agreement can also be referred to as a Schedule of condition agreement.

The purpose of a s98 agreement is to protect both the landlord and the tenant during the repair process. The agreement outlines the work that will be carried out, how long it will take, and the impact it will have on the tenant. It also includes details on who will carry out the work and what will happen if there are any disputes or issues that arise during the process.

One of the key benefits of a s98 agreement is that it helps to minimize any potential conflict between the landlord and tenant. By clearly outlining the work that will be carried out and the impact it will have on the tenant, both parties can be aware of what to expect during the repair process. This can help to prevent misunderstandings, disagreements, and disputes that can arise when repairs are carried out without a proper agreement in place.

Another benefit of a s98 agreement is that it ensures that the work is carried out to a high standard. The agreement outlines the specific work that needs to be done, and the landlord is legally obliged to ensure that the work is carried out to a professional standard. This means that the tenant can be confident that the repairs have been carried out correctly, and they can enjoy a safe and comfortable living environment.

In summary, a s98 agreement is an important legal agreement that protects both the landlord and tenant during the repair process. By clearly outlining the work that will be carried out and the impact it will have on the tenant, the agreement can help to minimize conflict and ensure that the repairs are carried out to a high standard. If you are a landlord or tenant and you are planning to carry out maintenance work on a property, it is important to consult with a legal professional to ensure that you have a s98 agreement in place.